Why a Blog (Part 2)

Hi All… well, this is a warning… I really don’t know what I’m doing… I am not computer savvy… I got this blog set up and published, but there is a lot of work to do and my computer ignorance will make my progress very slow as I have to work on building this site in “baby steps.”

So, I know at this point you are not able to comment on this site so you will have to contact me in other ways, those who know me. Eventually I will have this site set up and much more functional. The learning curve in working on this site is very slow and painful, but I will work at it.

Let’s cover what I’m hoping for and my plans and intensions.  I will probably be covering a variety of subjects. I will eventually categorize my postings by subject. I will share some life stories, some thoughts on various things in life, some religious/spiritual musings, and whatever else comes along. I do intend to stick to mostly positive subjects and ideas. I do not want to get into politics as there is enough of that in the world already. No promises, but those are my intensions. Also, I will not name names in my writings unless they are very positive statements and will not use full names. 

Even though I am “retired” I am very busy and I do not know how often I will be writing posts here, we’ll just have to see how it goes. Also, if there’s something you’d like me to write about, let me know!  I have lots of ideas, so it would be nice to know what my friends have an interest in me writing about.

As I stated in my first introductory blog, I do not want to clog up Facebook with long posts.  I figured a blog like this would be a better place to write essays.

So, that completes my introductory blogs and now we will see where we go from here “on the path!”


Petrified Forest National Park, 2017  

Why a Blog? [Post #1]

A good question. I never really planned on this. It just came about. I have some friends who have told me they enjoy my writings that they have seen and said I should do more writing. I have done Facebook postings but I really don’t want to write out long postings on Facebook. I felt another place would be more appropriate for longer writings or essays. So, why not try out blogging, I thought. Those that want to read more of what I have to say can tune in and follow me, those that don’t fine. So… we’ll see where this all goes.  A little scary, yes… a little strange, yes… oh well… nothing ventured… as they say.

I really have no idea what I am doing… so what else is new… most of life has been like that… just jump in and see where it all goes. I’ve got lots of ideas, so I will have to consider what to tackle next in my writings. At this time my blog title is “On the Path.” That came to me as I see life in simple terms… we come here, we do our thing (in this life we have), and then we leave. If you are a strict materialist, non spiritual type person, you might say we are born, we live our life, then we die. I, being a little more spiritual than that see it as, “we come from God, we do our thing (our life), then we return to God.  So, while we are here… as I see it… we are “on the path” of life, our journey.

So, until next time, take care and have a good life. We’ll visit again.


1970’s,  fishing with my college religion professor at an Eskimo Village. We were there for a wedding.