Well, since I’ve been saying how I like Jesus’s teachings and find living by them to be a good way to live a fulfilling, good life, I thought perhaps it would be a good time to explore who this person was, or who people thought he was. A big question, for sure, no?
So, Yeshua, to use his correct name according to scholars, who was he, or even, was he? For a few years or so in my life I was an atheist-agnostic. I had given up on believing so much of the fundamentalist, evangelical stuff after deep theological and historical study that I proclaimed myself to be an atheist. So, I delved into the atheist and agnostic views of life. I read books claiming that the man Jesus never actually existed. The evidence was that he was hardly even mentioned by historians of the ancient time. Interesting, but not very convincing to me. I think someone lived and did some amazing things to create such a movement that Christianity eventually became. Someone like the legend of Jesus existed, I decided. But what was the true story about this interesting man?
Well, you can study this subject forever and still have that basic question in your mind, just who was this person? So, in this short essay I will basically scan over this subject for an overview of the different perspectives on this question. You can decide where you stand, or, most likely, you have already made up your mind of who Jesus was. Are you a believer? A believer in what, exactly?
So, at the one end of the spectrum, there are some who believe that there never was a man Jesus. A few may take that position. Most people believe there was a wandering, preaching Jesus. Different views developed on who exactly he was. The gospel of John considers him as always existing from the beginning of time. “In the beginning was The Word… He was with God in the beginning.” That’s at the one extreme.
Different groups developed other views of when Jesus became God. Some say he was human but became Divine at his baptism by John the Baptist when the skies opened up. Some say he was never human, he was always Divine. Some say he was half human, half Divine. And on and on the different beliefs went. Some view him as a prophet or sage, a great teacher of spiritual things, but fully human.
So, I’ve been all over the map on this subject. I’ve spent a lot of time in theological study. It’s all interesting, but in the end, to me, I don’t really care how you handle this topic. My point is that this man they call Jesus in these old writings, scriptures had wonderful teachings and insights into the human life on this earth, in the many different cultures. I am more committed to his way of life, his teachings than to anyone else that I’ve studied over my life. The “Christ,” the “Messiah?” A sage, a great teacher? I say, that’s your call. As for the theology about being a sacrifice for our sins, a savior, well, that’s your call, also. That was not his teaching, really. That was the apostle Paul’s teaching. He really developed what became the religion we now call Christianity. You can believe that, also, if you choose.
My point is that you seriously consider and study the Jesus teaching and the stories of the life of this man. Consider what He taught. Consider how he lived. A sinless, perfect Son of God? Your decision how far to go down that line of thought and belief.
I live the Jesus life. I commit to the Jesus life. I recommend the Jesus life. I guess you could say I preach the Jesus life (well, except I really don’t preach, rather “recommend). Jesus the Christ? Ah, the mystery. The mystery of religion. The mystery of all religions. That is my fascination with all of this. The mystery of all life.