100 Blog Posts… And The Point Is…? [ Post #101 ]

So, I have reached a milestone of sorts. Written one hundred blog posts, one hundred essays about my life, thoughts, and other various things. One hundred? I could never imagine writing that much in the beginning. Just figured I had a few things to write about, a few things to explore and experiment with, expressing myself on the internet. Well, five years later, here we are. Is there more to “explore?” More to reveal? More to investigate?

So, when I decided to take the leap and do my public writing, I really didn’t know where I was going with all of this. A little scary. A little overwhelming. Well, such is life, isn’t it? A new venture, a new direction to explore. Maybe I’ll enjoy it, maybe I’ll fail, and make a fool of myself, I thought. Could have gone either way, but I’m pretty satisfied that I took the plunge. Isn’t that what life is all about, stepping out and taking risks?

I originally thought about writing a book, an autobiography. The trouble was, I just was overwhelmed by the prospect and couldn’t get very far. I realized I could more easily just write some short essays about this or that. Yeah, I could handle that. So, investigating how to set up a website and get into the blogging game, I just went forward with the idea. A spiritual counselor and practitioner I was seeing at the time encouraged me when I told him of my possible project of starting a blog.

So, five years and 100 essays later. I think there’s more to write about. I’ve learned a lot from what I’ve done thus far. I see it as good therapy for me. A lot cheaper that doing psychotherapy. And it’s fun. I’m learning a lot about myself. I’ve brought to the surface many things and life experiences that were in the deep recesses of my life and mind.

I’ve seen how all my adventures have formed me to be who I am now. My writing has brought about some changes in my life. For example, my post on the sabbath really changed how I spend my Sundays. I’m very strict on how I spend my “day of rest” now. Not as strict as some Jews are in their observing the sabbath, but close. I’ve learned how strongly I am now in being “anti war,” after reflecting on my days in the 1960’s and 70’s and facing the Vietnam War years. I’ve articulated how strongly I feel about my spiritual journey regarding my being a follower of Jesus and appreciating many other religions and their teachings. So many things have become clearer to me as I reflect on my thoughts, actions, and intentions now at this point on my journey. My essay on how I see life as ninety percent crap and ten percent good may seem very negative, but I don’t see it that way. That perspective helps me live a better life by living in the ten percent good and recognizing and staying disentangled from the ninety percent negative and bad. I wish I had known this and practiced this way of living earlier (but I didn’t).

So, onward and upward, as they say. There’s so much more to investigate. So much more to learn. I’m enjoying my continuing education through my college and university courses I’m participating in on DVD and streaming. I don’t have time to be bored. Bored with life? Are you Kidding me? No way! And the more I learn, the more I think, and the more I think and examine my life and life in general, the more I write and express my thoughts and experiences.

So, one hundred blog posts. And the point is? The point is, I haven’t even scratched the surface, as they say. It is therapy, it is releasing my pent-up thoughts and feelings. I’ve got more to write, so I will.


One Reply to “100 Blog Posts… And The Point Is…? [ Post #101 ]”

  1. Congratulations. That is an amazing milestone. I remember when you started this blog. And I’ve certainly enjoyed reading it. Onward!

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