So, my previous blog ended with me saying it all comes down to life being about love and about choice. And I think that really is the way it is. Our choices throughout our life determine so much. We all have things happening to us from the day we are born. We all have what we call our good times and our bad times. If we are honest in looking at life and our world, we see that horrible things happen and exist. Oh, I know there are “spiritual” people that would disagree and say all is wonderful, there’s no such thing as evil in the world, that it’s all how you look at it. Been around those people, those groups. Don’t buy that line of thought and belief, though.
So, we’re born, and in those early years we really don’t have much control over the things in our lives. If we’re lucky, we are born into a good family. Good, loving, caring parents and family members is the ideal. Some people are fortunate to have that in early life and some are not. But as we come along in our childhood. we do have many choices to make every day. Little choices. How to feel, how to react to situations. Every day, choices to make.
Of course, as we grow and mature, we continue making choices all the time. And eventually we begin to make some big choices. Do we do this, do we do that? What do we get involved in? What interests do we give our attention to? Do we think for ourselves, or do we go along with the crowd, our culture, our society? Do we give in to all our urges, do we try “questionable” things (drugs, promiscuous sexual activities, crime, violence, etc.)? Every little (and big) choice takes us somewhere in our journey. We go down this path, we go down that path. And the consequences of all those choices take us somewhere. That somewhere is our life.
So, if you’ve read many of my blogs, you know that, overall, I’ve had and am having a good life. Hence, the title of my blog website ” On the Path; A Wonderful Life” And that is accurate. I have had a wonderful life. I’ve accomplished my dreams in so many ways. I’m satisfied how it has all turned out. And now I see how it was all a consequence of the many choices I have made all along the way. Millions of choices through the years since my birth.
Of course, not all of my choices were good. I made some bad choices and suffered the consequences, just as everyone does. But you know what? I self-corrected. I did not go off in the wrong direction for very long before I came to my senses and realized that this is not the way to go. I’m very thankful that I was guided to a better way before too long. Yes, I feel that I was guided. What does that mean? Is there a God? Is it watching over me and nudging me, some or all of the time? Deep questions, huh? I think so. A “higher self?” A god of a particular religion? Angels, spirits, energies?
I ended my previous blog talking about my knowing that there is a “something.” And that knowing all of life is about love. That there is good, and that there is bad, really bad in life. And there is choice, which is what this blog post is about. The choices that make up our life. So, at this point in my life, what do I have to say as I reflect on the subject of choice and love and living a good life?
I asked, “how will you live? How do you live?” And I suggested examining Jesus’ teachings. And the Kingdom of God. And I said it is within you (the Kingdom of God), if you choose. I didn’t mean that in a “preaching” way, as a “Bible thumper or fundamentalist, evangelical-type Christian way. More like in a philosophical, metaphysical, spiritual way.
As I’ve said, our life turns out to be a result of our choices as we live. I’m advocating that we think about our choices more consciously, more deliberately. And, yes, I’m advocating that we study and consider seriously Jesus’ teachings.
His teachings were all about a relationship with what he called God. We may have other terms we may use. As I’ve said, I often use the term “the something,” since I don’t want a rigid and closed definition and conception of “God.”
Jesus’ teachings work for me. Yes, there are other saints and prophets and sages and teachers, but I find Jesus’ teachings are great, life-altering if we let them be. I find that it is possible to experience the Kingdom of God that Jesus spoke of. That was his message, as I see it, “don’t look here, don’t look there… the Kingdom is within you!” Open up to the spiritual dimension, I say, and experience “God,” “The Kingdom.” That’s how to live. And live love, with Jesus as your example. It works. It’s how I choose to live. Another good choice, as I see it.