The One True Religion [Post # 114]

Well, that title should get your attention. The one true religion. In one short essay I shall resolve the big question of What is the true religion. There are hundreds of religions, you know. Ever wonder which one is the real one. Can’t all be the one true religion, right. Right. So….

You have probably sensed from my blogs that I do have a great curiosity of things religious, spiritual, or other-worldly, beyond the veil, as they say. Well, you are correct. A quick overview of my “theological” adventures and studies may help you in understanding this essay on finding the one “true” religion.

Some of the major religions of the world… but many more….

My family was not really a religious family. We did say grace at dinnertime, and I was taught to say my prayers at bedtime, “now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep,,,,” But that was it. The kids were sent to Sunday school. We atternded church because my dad liked the minister because he was a big football fan. But the really “religious” stuff, well, that was not important or talked about. My father told me about the many phony ministers he knew in his life, etc. So, we attended church because the minister was a sports fan. And when the minister left and a new one came, that was the end of church attendance for us.

I had a lot of frustrations and problems with my childhood at home and one day in my teens I had a breakthrough of sorts. I had what I would call a “come to Jesus” moment that broke open a new outlook on things in my life. I got in touch with the possibility of a life beyond the rather unpleasant (at times) material world I grew up in. That moment started me on a quest to discover if here was more to life than the merely “visible” life I was experiencing.

I got involved in a church group with friends at high school. I attended church and youth groups and socialized with my church friends. After high school and a year of doing different jobs, I decided to go to college, I picked a Christian college a couple of friends were attending and off I went to college in Seattle, Washington. It was an interesting time, and I really enjoyed it. At the end of my four years there, I decided to go on to graduate school at a theological seminary. I enjoyed that experience also.

I left seminary after one year and eventually began my thirty-three-year career in aviation with an airline. I never lost my interest and curiosity with things religious and spiritual during my work life. I went through different phases of being a church member and losing my previous faith and being an agnostic and atheist for a time. Always studying and continuing my education, I became knowledgeable of the many religions and spiritualities out there in the world. It became a bit overwhelming as there are so many different religions in existence, all claiming (well, most claiming) to be “The” religion, the one true religion.

I’ve found a lot of good stuff in various religions. I’ve found a lot of what I would call bad stuff in various religions. Any study of history reveals how horrible many religious movements have been over the years. And I mean horrible. So, being a student of history and of religion and philosophy and science, how do we put this all together? What is the answer? What is the truth? How are we to live? What the $%@&^ is it all about?

I’ve found the one true religion. Yes, it may have taken a long lifetime, but I have found it. I have found that the one true religion is the “mystery.” Yes, the “mystery” of life. You think you have it all figured out? Hmmm…. You know what? You won’t know till it’s all over! Then you will know (if there’s something beyond, something “other” than the visible world we’ve been living in). Or, the alternative is, you won’t know, if there is nothing after death, just nonexistence (which some would say is truth). So, yes, it’s a mystery until we move beyond this dimension. Oh, yeah, we all have our ideas. Our faiths, our speculations, our “certainties.” Our intuitions.

I know. There are people that have an awareness of an existence before birth. There are those who have other “mystical” experiences. Near death experiences. Past life remembrances. Yes, and I have had my “otherworldly” experiences. What to make of it all? Like I said, it is a mystery. I live (and I would say we all live) in the mystery.

One thing I know is that there is a “something.” I know that all of life, if one is awake and aware, is love. Love is what life really is. I do not deny evil, bad, horribleness. Life is horrible in so many ways. But there is also the opposite. There is good. There is love. There is choice. It does come down to choice. How will/do you live? Examine Jesus’ teachings. The Kingdom of God. It’s within you. If you choose.


2 Replies to “The One True Religion [Post # 114]”

  1. My favorite is outside beyond all notions of wrongdoing and rIght doing there is a field. I will meet you there. Looking forward to meeting you there.

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