Masters, Gurus, Teachers, Cults [Post #111]

Well, this political season is a wild one. Lots of talk about cults and lots of anger and hatred and rigid thinking. Gets me thinking about these things. History is full of cults and people needing groups and leaders to follow who promise everything to loyal followers and use various manipulative and control tactics to maintain a very tight control of followers and their minds. I have even had some personal experience with “cults” in my life.

Now, the term cult does not always mean a bad thing. But often, especially these days, it does imply a bad thing. Christianity was considered a cult in the early days. Now it is rather mainstream, you could say. So, cults can be very bad or just a nuisance , you could say.

My experience with a cult sort of “snuck up on me” over a period of time. I got talked into joining one of those “human potential,” self-improvement,” “enlightenment” movements of the 1970’s. I did a training and consequently took “graduate seminars.” Did a few, or perhaps several, then decided “enough is enough.”

When the organization called me one day to get me signed up for a new seminar, I decided, no, I’ve had enough seminars for this lifetime. I said no, no more seminars. Done with them. Thank you very much, but no.

Well, that was not acceptable. If you’ve done the training and done several post-graduate seminars, you will continue taking classes for the rest of your life, or so their thinking goes. And when the person talking to me realized I was serious, he turned on me rather aggressively. “Oh, no, you can’t stop the program. You’ve got to keep taking seminars. You know what will happen if you outright quit? You are going to die” I was told sternly.

If I were to get on a plane, now it would crash. Or I would be in a fatal car crash, etc. Something bad was going to happen if I broke my association with this group. No question about that, the “universe” would get me. Absolutely certain.

It was hard to believe they could actually seriously say that, but that was apparently how they operated. So, that was my experience with what I considered a cult. A bit scary, I’d say.

So, did I learn anything from this experience? Well, yes. I learned some groups are manipulative and controlling. They say and think that they have the truth. They are sure of that and will do what they need to do to keep you in line, so to speak. These groups often have a guru or a master, a leader who will do everything to control you. If you are needy and lack confidence in yourself, watch out. The bad examples would be the Heaven’s Gate cult or the Jim Jones’ cult. There are lots of examples like these.

So, what have I learned from my experiences? I have learned that I do not especially like the concept of “guru” or “master,” or any authoritarian figure leading a group of needy people. I am fine with the concept of “teachers.” I have teachers in my life. Some great teachers, I would say. But that’s it. They are teachers. Flawed human beings that have a lot of good insights and truths to share with others.

So, today we have a lot of cults. Some more dangerous than others. Some in the political arena. Some very “wacko,” I would say. Some very dangerous. Well, that’s what we have to live with. At least I am aware of them and their dangerous influences. I will not succumb to any authoritarian figure in this day and age. I know better. Unfortunately, I see others, some friends and family cave in to cult leader persuasions. A very disappointing situation for me.

But life goes on. I can just do my best to be aware of all that is going on around me and stand up for what I see as truth. I hope and pray that the bad, the chaotic, and the evil go away and do not become the mainstream, especially in my life and of those I love.
