Why Are We (Am I) Still Here? [ Post #109 ]

Okay, this may sound a little weird for a title for my blog today, you say. It’s a subject that’s been on my mind lately and I just think I may feel better if I get this thought out there and see where it goes. Once again, perhaps, blogging is my self-therapy. This blog concerns those of us who have lived a long life. If you are like me, having lived a long life, things may be perceived differently than they were earlier in life.

I have experienced losing so many friends and family members. I have outlived so many of my friends. I, at times, think, why have I outlived my friends? It could have been me that passed on, but it wasn’t. I have been given the opportunity to see my life play out, to realize so many of my goals and desires. I have come to see myself having a “complete” life. I was not “cut down” in the midst of the busyness of living. I am thankful for this. Very thankful.

The graveyard. So many of my friends and family are there. I visit their resting places.

I survived the many stages of life we all seem to go through. I survived childhood, which for me was not the best experience I could have had. Some dark times, as I have mentioned numerous times in my writings. I survived, and I went on to break from my family and go off to college and graduate school to experience a more intellectual side of life, as best I could.

I survived the “rat racer” stage of life, where we go to work and work hard and accumulate some money and possessions and perhaps a reputation and status. Many people get stuck in this phase and that is their life, essentially. Perhaps some get disappointed with it all and become a nihilist, completely giving up on life and become very negative people. Notice that among some people you may know? Or, perhaps some become hedonists, just living to experience pleasure as the supreme purpose of life? I’ve seen all of these types of people in my life experience.

Yes, there are many ways we may live our lives. Many different paths to take. In the end, we take “our” path and that is our life. I certainly took my unique path. I lived my life differently than anyone else I know. And a lot of that life stays inside of me, unknown to others, That’s just how life is, as I see it. Some of us get to reveal a good portion of our life to others, some are rather secretive about their individual life. Through my writings, my blogging, I’ve had the opportunity to express and reveal a lot of my life (but certainly just a limited amount because life is so vast and complex).

So, if we have lived a long life, say perhaps, beyond the age of seventy or so, here we are. We’ve done it. Lived our lives. Done our things, our way. Perhaps accomplished a lot, perhaps accomplished very little of what we planned and desired to do. And now what? Just sit and get bored? Wait to die? Or… is there more to do? If we are healthy, we are very fortunate. Our body functions, our mind still works. We can still enjoy the things of this life. Be grateful if this applies to you and your life. Thank life, or the good Lord, some would say. And I agree. I’m very thankful. Very happy with my life as it unfolded.

But, now what? Why am I still here? Is there something more for me to do? To explore? To adventure into? Yeah, that’s where I am, it seems. Now I am searching for that something more. Perhaps more writing. Perhaps more expressing in other various ways. Who knows? That’s the thing about life. Who knows what’s next? What is just around the next corner? A great mystery.

So, I have the time to contemplate my life, and life in general. The more I contemplate my life, the more I realize I’ve had a great life. Better than I ever expected in my earlier years of confusion, chaos, depressions and uncertainty. Yes, it’s all worked out. I don’t want to die today, but if I do, I will go to the next experience a happy camper, as they say. And if the next experience is non-existence, that “void” of nothingness, then so be it. But, as illogical as it seems, sometimes, I believe there may be something more. I love God, the creative force, and I love Jesus, and I love life. And many other saints and sages. Why am I still here? Ahhh… that’s the mystery. I let it be. I have another day here, let’s go for it!
